
Squeeze Poker

  • What Does It Mean in Poker? A squeeze play is a reraise, when there have been one or more callers of a previous raise. For example, if the HiJack open raises to $10, the button calls, and you raise to $50, you’re squeezing, as your raise is against the original raiser and at least one caller. « View All Poker Terms.
  • The squeeze play in poker is clearly a solid play and your rivals will probably accept that you have something like Aces or Kings, as you are re-raising over top of a pre-flop raiser and caller. You should utilize the squeeze poker play sparingly, as you don't need individuals to begin challenging your bluffing.

Squeezing Range

Squeeze board cards in an All-In, showdown situation on the turn/river. Board card squeeze is available to the Favorite and underdog. Open/Squeeze options and preference settings are not.

There’s not an absolute squeezing range because, as with any other poker concept, it will depend mostly on our opponents’ tendencies but if we were to give a standard, we will start by saying that a very wide range is worth squeezing.

First of all, let’s consider our position at the table. It is often better to squeeze out of position than in position. The reason is quite simple: when in position, we have a great advantage over our opponents, so playing our hand and see the flop is not always a bad idea; on the other hand, when we are out of position, we give up the positional advantage to our opponent. By squeezing, though, we take the initiative, and we put our opponent in a situation where he have to take a difficult decision to make.

Our squeezing range should be made up by two different categories of hands:

Squeeze Poker Cash Game

Squeeze Poker

1) Strong hands that don’t play well multi-way, but do in a 3-bet pot. Fundamentally, we’re talking about middle/high pocket pairs (TT+). Those hands lose value when playing in a multi-way pot, and there are lots of flops that could scare us. Plus, callers often play small pocket pairs when set-mining, and we don’t want to give them the possibility to hit their hands cheaply.

2) Hands with a blocker. A card is considered a “blocker” when it limits the possible combination of a given range. For example, if we hold an Ace, we are decreasing the possibility that our opponents holds strong aces (AQ+, AA). So, Ax and Kx are good hands to squeeze.

Against opponents who tend to fold to 3-bet, we can use even a larger range, because they’re going to give up a lot of hands. Of course, that doesn’t mean squeezing with any two cards; in fact, there are hands that show most of their profit in multi-way, small pots – like medium suited connectors or low pocket pair, for example.

Opponents to Squeeze

As already said, the best players to squeeze, especially in a ‘bluff’ situation, are those that fold to a 3-bet a lot. If an opponent never folds to a 3-bet, there is no point in squeezing him with a bluff; in this case, we should open up our value squeeze range – including hands like 88-KJ+ – because those kind of opponents are very easy to value bet.

Squeeze poker definition

The players we don’t want to squeeze are those inclined to 4-bet; against them, it’s better to tighten up our squeeze range, squeezing only our best holdings and calling with the bottom of our value range.

Defending Against a Squeeze Play

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The best defense against the squeeze, especially at micro limits, is to fold. Our opponents won’t squeeze often enough, so it doesn’t affect our win rate significantly. Against frequent squeezers, the best defense is to tighten our opening range, because 1) we will be less often set up to a squeeze; 2) we will have a range mostly made up of value hands that we should be more willing to play it back.


If an opponent raises, we cold-call, and another opponent squeezes … Well, in this case, we’ve already announced that our hand is not so strong (unless we are playing a monster in a tricky way). So, in this case it’s better not to defend.

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Squeeze Definition Poker

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